HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Congratulations, you’ve made a big decision to have bariatric surgery and begin a new journey for your health. Way to...
HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Guess how many pounds of chocolate the average American consumes yearly? Over 11. My girlfriend said she’d rather...
HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Have you gone thru bariatric surgery only to find that you’re still hungry more often than you thought you would be?...
HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Are you feeling blocked up? You know, constipation. Last week we had a discussion in the new private facebook group about...
HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Do you think agave syrup and honey are better for you than high fructose corn syrup or sugar? You hear so many conflicting...
HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
This food is sugar, sodium and cholesterol free. It’s a good choice for your bariatric plate. Any guesses? OK, Think...
Host: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
How would you like to burn 400-500 calories in the next hour? Let’s get in a pool and make it happen. Did you know that water...
Host: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Oh how we love our coffee and tea. But can you have caffeine after bariatric surgery? As a dietitian, I hear different answers on this...
Host: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
You did it. You’ve had bariatric surgery and your transformation is happening. Did you know that your body also goes...
Host: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Stomach ache, sweating, headache, dizziness, nausea…even diarrhea. Experiencing dumping syndrome is no fun, it wrecks...
Host: Registered Dietititan Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Let me guess...before your surgery and especially after, you’re told to consume protein, protein, protein! Why is it so...
Host: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell
Should you drink alcohol after weight loss surgery? If so, how much can you drink and how fast will you become intoxicated....