#102 Can You Take Calcium with Coffee after Weight Loss Surgery?

bariatric surgery success podcast

HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr.

Susan Mitchell 


You have quite a few supplements to take after bariatric surgery and one of those is calcium. This question was posted in my Facebook group recently: “Is it bad to take my calcium citrate with coffee?” I have your answer in this episode of Bariatric Surgery Success.

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“Is it bad to take my calcium citrate with coffee?” The thinking use to be that caffeine is a drug that can prevent your body from absorbing calcium the way it should. When you drink coffee containing caffeine, less calcium is absorbed and more is excreted mainly thru urine. Other experts suggested to avoid caffeinated beverages a good 30 minutes before or after you eat or drink food sources with calcium or take your supplements. The estimate for calcium loss was 5 milligrams of calcium excreted in the urine for every 150 mg of caffeine which is about a cup of coffee. Others have suggested that 2-3 milligrams of calcium are lost per cup. 

But let's talk about the latest science:

*Actual calcium loss and relationship to bone health

*Study from The Cleveland Clinic

*Changes in bone density of fracture risk

*What YOU can do to offset any loss

*Type of calcium to take and how much

*Type of vitamin D to take and how much

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